☛ Open Letter: What is the future of a performing arts sector that is afraid to condemn genocide and ethnic cleansing? 

We are a group of artsworkers, both independent and currently/formerly employed at PACT (Professional Association of Canadian Theatres) companies. 

As performing arts organizations from across the country are about to gather together for PACT’s annual conference at PACTcon, we are writing this letter to publicly express our deep disappointment that PACT has yet to condemn Israel for the violent genocide and war crimes that it has committed against the Palestinian people during the most recent Nakba. Over the past 7 months, PACT has not even called for a ceasefire.

We, as workers, put a minimum of 40 hours per week into the performing arts sector — an industry that is repeatedly discussed in the media as a precarious place to work. Yet, the industry that very much benefits from our labour (despite the precarity), has turned its back on our voices.

Many institutions are choosing to exclude conversation about Palestine from its discourse with claims such as: “our institution cannot possibly make statements about every political situation happening in the world.” Even though PACT and many other institutions were quick to express solidarity and take action on past global uprisings such as the 2020 BLM protests and the discovery of unmarked graves at the Residential Schools

We ask PACT and its members: what is the future of a Canadian arts sector that is afraid to condemn over 36,000 deaths including over 13,000 children, the destruction of cultural spaces and heritage sites, and the killing of artists and cultural workers?

What do PACT members’ land acknowledgements and commitment to reconcilliation mean when they cannot condemn Israel’s genocide, ethnic cleansing, and 76 year colonial settler occupation of Palestine?

We are deeply disappointed that the 2024 PACTcon schedule does not address or include subjects such as  Palestine, censorship, or genocide. There is a clear unfolding of censorship and marginalization taking place against those in support of liberated Palestine. The very systems that PACT acknowledges and commits to investigating in its land acknowledgement. 
Yet there is silence and a lack of solidarity across performing arts institutions. In a sector full of precarious work, marginalization happens rapidly and severely, abetted by the lack of labour protections in our industry. Let us be clear that the performing arts’ industry is setting a dangerous precedent which will harm workers, including artists, and their works in advocacy moving forward.

This is a sectoral issue, and it must be urgently addressed at 2024 PACTcon and beyond. We call upon PACT, its members, arts leaders, and fellow arts workers to act upon our following demands:
— We call upon PACT as an association of Performing Arts Organizations, to properly define the definition of “staying in bipartisanship as charitable performing arts organizations”, and what this means in respect to the arts’ role in political advocacy. 
— We call upon PACT to investigate instances where its members have lost funding for political activism and report on the severity of such cases.
— We call upon PACT member organizations to publicly announce that workers (salaried or freelance) in their organizations will not be subject to censorship, marginalization, quiet firing, and discrimination for political activism, including speaking out in support of Palestine. 
— We call upon arts workers who are employed by PACT member organizations to investigate and address instances where funders/sponsors have been prioritized over workers.
— We call upon arts workers to organize and demand your respective companies call for a ceasefire.
— We call upon arts workers to organize and investigate instances where freelance contracts such as artists and crew have been marginalized and deplatformed due to their support for Palestine — and demand individuals and institutions to make amends.
We are not just distant Canadian relatives to a legacy of colonization, genocide and assimilation (for a brief overview, you can read The Yellowhead Institute’s brief on Canada’s Role in the Colonization of Palestine by Lucy El-Sherif.) We cannot possibly pretend that this genocide is a “political situation” that is distant from the work we do. 
Performing arts companies across Canada must rethink their position as professional institutions in this moment when the world is witnessing multiple genocides, police brutality and systems of oppression that permeate into our arts spaces. 
You cannot expect us to show up to the office, show up to rehearsals, workshops, panels, and industry conferences and pretend that we are in an apolitical space separate from world events. 
It is important to artists and arts workers who provide hundreds of hours, days, and years in labour to your institutions, to be able to say that our industry stands against colonial genocide and ethnic cleansing.
7 months have passed.
Rafah has been bombarded once again as we pen this letter. 
Do not disrespect your workers by pretending “both sides are valid” during this genocide. You are cultural institutions with a social responsibility to fight for justice and the world where you create art.
Condemn your sponsors who invest in arms companies.
Set firm boundaries with your major donors.
Prioritize the demands of artists and workers.
Call for a ceasefire and an Arms Embargo: this is a bare minimum.

Co-written and signed, 
1. Emily Jung — Director of Communications, The Theatre Centre
2. Amanda Lin — Producer, Writer, and Arts Administrator
3. Shanae Sodhi — Freelance Producer, Marketing & Communications Manager, Theatre Passe Muraille
4. Victoria Wang — Freelance/CAEA Stage Manager
5. Josh Marchesini — Social Media Coordinator, The Theatre Centre & Membership & Communications Associate, PACT 


6. Angela Sun — Community Engagement Coordinator, Theatre Passe Muraille, Head of Digital Marketing, Nightwood Theatre, Freelance Theatre Artist

7. Erum Khan — Artistic Associate, Buddies in Bad Times Theatre

8. Theresa Cutknife — Performer, Writer, Arts Educator, Emerging Producer

9. Emma Westray — Associate Producer, Theatre Passe Muraille & Festival Producer, SummerWorks Festival

10. Andi Canales — Outgoing Marketing Coordinator, Native Earth

11. Kalale Dalton-Lutale — Playwright, Arts Worker

12. Rebecca Vandevelde — Production Manager, Buddies in Bad Times Theatre & Member, Means of Production

13. Rosalind Goodwin — Playwright, Performer

14. Carly Chamberlain — Director, Arts Administrator

15. Fatima Adam — Theatre Artist and Arts Administrator

16. Brandon Crone — Artistic Director, SafeWord

17. Wing Lam Leung — Labour in the Arts

18. Jacob Lin — Designer, Writer

19. Damien Nelson — Press Agent, Want and Able

20. Belinda Corpuz — Multidisciplinary Artist and Performer, Arts Administrator and member of Tita Collective

21. Caolán Kelly — Actor, Arts Worker

22. Heather Barr — General Manager, rice & beans theatre

23. Maria Escolan — Theatre Artist, Associate Artistic Producer, Aluna Theatre

24. Raha Javanfar — Performer, Lighting Designer

25. Navtej Sandhu

26. Nathaniel Hannula-James — Freelance Dramaturg

27. Jonnie Lombard — Performer, Writer

28. River Cecil Oliveira — Sound Designer & Composer (AD659), Multidisciplinary Artist and Arts Administrator

29. Natasha Ramondino — Marketing Associate, Freelance Actor/Theatre Artist

30. Micaela Molina Morales — Manager of Patron Services, Tarragon Theatre

31. Malika Daya — Theatre Artist & Producer

32. Patrick Lynn — Production Manager, Stage Manager, member of Means of Production

33. Sereana Malani — Actor

34. danjelani ellis — aritst // artistic producer, Obsidian Theatre Company

35. mia susan amir — Director, Open Access Foundation for Arts & Culture; transdisciplinary performance maker

36. Rais Clarke-Mendes — Actor, Director, Arts Worker

37. Makram Ayache — Playwright, Director, Actor

38. Michelle Tracey — Designer

39. Joseph Recinos — Creator, performer, producer

40. Maya Royer — Production Manager

41. Kat Chin — CAEA Stage Manager & SM Committee Member

42. Suvendrini Lena — Playwright

43. Sara Jaffri — Administrative Coordinator, The Theatre Centre

44. Laura Philipps — Producer, Production Manager

45. Aidan Hammond — Production and Facilities Manager, Theatre Passe Muraille

46. Anthony Lee — Director/Playwright

47. Monica Ogden — Co-Artistic Producer & Performer, Rage Sweater Theatre Productions

48. Redsun — Denesuline Nehitho Warrior

49. Sarah Yuen — Set/Costume Designer, Props Supervisor

50. Maddie Bautista — Sound Designer and half of xLq

51. Jesse Del Fierro — Performer/Dramaturg

52. Dasha Plett — Artist, Sound Designer/Composer, 1/2 of We Quit Theatre

53. Gislina Patterson — We Quit Theatre

54. Yolanda Bonnell — storyteller, manidoons collective, Animikii Creations

55. Sadie Berlin — theatre artist

56. Donovan Hayden — Playwright and Organizer

57. Wei Qing Tan — Stage Manager, Production Manager

58. Maria Paula Carreño — Artists and Arts Worker

59. Frances Koncan — Playwright

60. Romina Julian — Arts Administrator

61. Julia Dickson — Producer, Arts Administrator

62. Sedina Fiati — Producer & Performer, Black Pledge

63. Keshia Palm — Director/Dramaturge/Performer, Artistic Producer of Paprika

64. Eva Barrie — Creator & Educator

65. Jake Runeckles — Performer, Producer

66. brawk hessel — Artist & admin, Unit 2

67. Franco Pang — Production Manager

68. Merlin Simard — Playwright, Performer, Facilitator, Educator & Dramaturge

69. Stephanie Fung — Critic, Writer, Director, and Performance Artist

70. Lucy McPhee — Development Coordinator, CAEA Stage Manager

71. Ashley Naomi Skye — Performer / Creator/ Sound  Designer

72. Andrea Nelson — Stagehand

73. Taylor Erin — Arts Marketer

74. Desirée leverenz — Artist & Professor

75. D.J. Sylvis — Manager/Playwright, Monkeyman Productions

76. Sarah Emslie — Performer, Director, Producer

77. Taija Shonée Chung — Playwright, Actor, Arts Worker

78. Durae McFarlane — Actor and Writer

79. Avery-Jean Brennan — Director, Music Director, Producer

80. Elizabeth Staples — Theatre Creator, Actor, Arts Administrator

81. Blake Pyne — Actor, Arts Worker

82. Sasha Singer-Wilson — Theatre artist & facilitator

83. Filsan Dualeh — Performer

84. Summer Mahmud — Director, Writer, Actor

85. Enya Watson — Actor / Writer

86. Blythe Haynes — Actor, Theatre Maker, Producer

87. Paul Smith — Performer, Director, Arts Worker, former PACT employee (2021~2023)

88. Saba Akhtar — Actor, Writer, Arts Worker

89. Jena McLean — Playwright and Dramaturge

90. David van Belle — Playwright

91. Ameer Idreis — Playwright & Writer

92. Peggy Coffey — Arts Worker

93. Robert King — Arts Worker

94. Elio Zarrillo — Playwright, Actor

95. isi bhakhomen — Theatre Practitioner

96. Max Cameron Fearon — Director, Dramaturge, Creator, Arts Administrator

97. Lamesha Ruddock — Creative Director of Blemme Fatale Productions

98. Lauren Allen — Theatre Artist

99. Eish Van Wieren — Playwright, performer, costumes

100. AJ Simmons — Interdisciplinary theatre artist

101. Yago Mesquita — Playwright, Producer, Performer, Associate Producer at Native Earth Performing Arts

102. Samantha Vu — Producer

103. Dhanish Kumar Chinniah — Actress, Playwright, Sound designer

104. Owen Boucher — Actor / Writer

105. Shannon Pitre — Actor, Visual Artist

106. David Gagnon Walker — Playwright, Translator

107. Oliver Pitschner — Playwright and Arts Administrator

108. Robyn Vivian — Playwright & Actor

109. Cyrus Shewell — Arts Administrator

110. Andrea Perez — Performer, Arts Worker, Theatre Critic

111. Lior Maharjan — Performer, Playwright, Director, Dramaturg and Producer

112. Yolanda Chow  — Theatre Manager

113. Jahnelle Jones — Writer, Director, Actor

114. Jules Spizzirri — Arts Worker

115. Sarah Brawn — Stage Manager

116. Christopher Douglas — Arts Worker

117. Hamza Syed Ali — Actor, Critic, Writer, Arts Administrator (Kingston Theatre Alliance)

118. Beatriz Pizano — Artistic Director

119. Jade Janzen — Dancer, Devised Theatre Artist

120. Medleine Smith — Actor and Arts Administrator

121. Khadijah Salawu — Actor, Arts Educator, Producer

122. Trinity Lloyd  — Theatre Artist

123. Nikki Shaffeeullah — Director of Programming, Generator; Director/Playwright/Performer

124. Kayleigh Poelman — Freelance Perforer and Comic creator

125. Heather Gallant — Actor / Comedian

126. Elizabeth Rodenburg — Performer and Playwright

127. Audrey Kwan — Managing Director, The Theatre Centre

128. Sadie Laflamme-Snow — Actor

129. Annasofie Jakobsen — Production and Stage Manager

130. Angie Bustos — Actor, Playwright, Theatre Educator

131. Kobena Ampofo — Artist

132. Ciarán Myers — Artist

133. Irene Ly — Set and Costume Designer

134. Rahaf F — Freelance Artist

135. Tiffany Thomas — Theatre maker/performer/executive director of Femme Wave

136. Roshan James — Spoken Word Artist & Sound Composer

137. Sam Woods — Marketing & Communications Manager, a Company of Fools

138. Eden Middleton — Playwright & Dramaturge

139. Mateo G. Torres — Interdisciplinary theatre artist, DEI facilitator

140. Alethea Bakogeorge — Disabled Actor, Arts Administrator & Fundraiser, Access Professional

141. Stewart Legere — Artist

142. Elena Eli Belyea — Playwright, Actor, Artistic Director of Tiny Bear Jaws

143. Elm Reyes — Arts Worker

144. Alexis Eastman — Producer

145. Kenley F. Ku — Arts Sector Bookkeeper, Performer

146. Lizzie Song — Performer, director

147. Pedro Chamale — Artistic Director, rice & beans theatre, freelance playwright, director, performer

148. Savannah Munro — Arts Worker

149. Henry Beasley — Actor, Musician, Playwright

150. Marium Raja — Actor, Playwright

151. Sivert Das — Actor, musician, writer and disability and racial justice activist

152. Rhiannon Collett — Playwright, Producer

153. Marianna Zouzoulas — Performer

154. Miquelon Rodriguez — Director, Sound Designer, Composer, Digital Content Creator, Arts Leader-In-Training

155. Za Hughes — Designer

156. Rachel Penny — Producer

157. Melissa Avalos — Arts worker, theatre artist

158. Kelsi James — Freelance theatre artist, creative producer at Dreamwalker

159. Dylan Tate-Howarth — Stage Manager, Dramaturge

160. McKenna Ramsay — Theatre Artist

161. Ashley Bate — Arts Administrator

162. Alex Panneton — Actor and musician

163. Lisa Alves — Playwright, Producer and Theatre Artist

164. Nabil Traboulsi — Performer and Writer

165. Pip Bradford — Independent Production Manager & Producer, Member of Means of Production

166. Margaret Rose — Actor

167. Corbeau Sandoval — Multidisciplinary Performance Artist

168. Aidan Shepherd — House Technician, The Theare Centre

169. Liliana Giorgio — Student

170. Andie Lloyd — Lighting & Projection Designer, Writer

171. Nelson Ives — Playwright, actor

172. Maricris Rivera — Performer, Producer, Arts Administrator, member of Tita Collective.

173. PJ Prudat — theatre creator, writer, poet, arts educator

174. Karthy Chin — Producer, Director, Writer

175. Jayka Mayne — Performer

176. Teo Saefkow — Actor / Musician

177. Emily E Hardaker — Stage Manager, student

178. Jordan Campbell — Theatre Maker, half of xLq, AD of The Purple Stage

179. Jack Considine — Designer, Arts Worker

180. Andrew Barrett — Artistic Producer, Impulse Theatre

181. Melicia Zaini — Designer

182. Zoe Marin — Theatre Artist

183. Caleigh Crow — Playwright, Director, and Performer

184. Suzanne Wilkie — Arts Worker

185. Graham Mothersill — Actor, Arts Worker

186. Amaka Umeh — Performing Artist

187. Elyssia Giancola — Actor, creator, arts administrator

188. Rebecca Casalino — Artist, Drag King, Arts Admin at HFTco (Hamilton Fringe)

189. Connor Meek — Actor, Musician 

190. Bianca Miranda — Performer, Playwright, and Producer

191. Maureen Barnes — Performer, Stage Manager

192. Becks Lefranc — Producer 

193. Aleena Faisal — Communications Manager

194. Hiyam Mahrat — Actor, theatre maker, General Manager at MT Space

195. Shaun McPherson — Sound Designer and Stagehand

196. Jasmin Sandhu — CAEA Stage Manager

197. Rachel Cairns — Artist

198. Sophia Macapagal — Writer

199. Nada Abusaleh — Theatre Artist

200. Sydney Scott — Playwright, Arts Worker

201. Libby Willoughby — Producer and Operations Manager at Pi Theatre

202. Heidi Chan — Sound Designer, Musician

203. Peri Allan — Artist

204. Kemi King — Director, Writer, Producer, AD — Yikes Co.

205. Jeremy Nolan — Actor/Writer

206. Juliet Jones-Rodney — Playwright, Arts worker, Communications Producer of Paprika Theatre Festival

207. Michael Wanless — Sound Designer/Theatre maker

208. Frankie Bayley — Theatre Artist and Artsworker

209. Justine Katerenchuk — XR Production Manager

210. Ciaran brenneman — Stage Manager

211. Katie Voravong — Theatre Artist, Performer, Director, Writer

212. Jillian Groening — Arts Worker

213. Zev Shoag — Lighting Technician

214. Jade Silman — Dramaturg, Director, Creator

215. Christine Quintana — Playwright, Actor, Producer

216. Joey o’dael — Artist / Artist Producer

217. Emma Ryan — Actor, Director, Producer

218. Angelo Pileggi — Producer & Audience Experience Manager, The Theatre Centre

219. Rohan Dhupar — Choreographer, Performer, Theatre Artist

220. Rayna masterton — Actor, Writer, Director, Arts Administrator

221. Deena Pagliarello — Illustrator

222. Becky Low — PhD Student, UVic Theatre, freelance producer and administrator

223. Scotia Cox — Theatre Artist

224. Sean Ryan — Actor: Artistic Associate Teesri Duniya Theatre

225. Bronwyn Carradine — Playwright/Artistic Managing Producer, Zee Zee Theatre Company

226. Isaac Mulè — Artistic Director of Page1 Theatre

227. Anna Simmons — Sound Designer and Technician

228. Preston Free Cooper — Actor, Musician, Writer, Graphic Designer

229. J hannaford — Playwright and director

230. Hilary Wheeler — Actor, playwright, arts worker

231. Alicia Carrick — Actor, Photographer

232. Azal Dosanjh — Director, Writer, Producer

233. Darragh Kilkenny-Mondoux — Actor, writer

234. Holly Meyer-Dymny — Designer

235. Deanna Choi — Sound Designer

236. Hayley Moorhouse — Actor, Playwright, Dramaturg

237. Alyssa Billingsley — Theatre Artist

238. Daibei Wang — Artist

239. Mel Thompson — Theatre Artist

240. Sam Melnick — Playwright, Stage Manager, Arts Worker

241. Cat Preston — Actor, Administrator, Montreal, QC

242. Karin Saari — Director

243. Camille Intson — Playwright

244. Sarah Caraher — Arts Administrator

245. Emily Fang — Theatre Artist, Actor

246. Giselle Magie — Performer

247. Lauren Acheson — Arts Worker, Technical Production

248. Theo Belc — Production Freelancer and Lighting Designer

249. Ari Rombough — Actor, Artist

250. Hailey Balaz — Actor, Arts Educator

251. Simone Matheson — Multidisciplinary Artist

252. Thalia Altura — Artist

253. Jules Vodarek Hunter — Co-leader AMY project, stage manager, production manager

254. Sally Zori — Musician, theatre performer, composer, sound designer, video artist

255. Emily Soussana — Artist

256. Jessie Lutness — Actor, Writer

257. Max Borowski — Actor

258. Kevin Y Wong — Lyricist, Composer, Dramaturg

259. Mani (Usman Khan) — artist

260. Alex Edwards — Arts Worker

261. Jessica Zepeda — Multidisciplinary performance artist

262. Tara Kiely — Sound Technician

263. Zach Colangelo — Actor

264. Vanessa Leticia Jetté — Artist

265. Rose Tuong — Theatre Artist, CAEA

266. Mandy E. MacLean —Dramaturgy & Accessibility Associate, Metcalf Foundation Intern, Theatre Passe Muraille

267. Zeshaun Saleem —Actor

268. Lauren Boyd —Director, Producer, Writer

269. Mathilda Kane —Lighting Designer, Theatre Artist

270. esi callender —theatre artist

271. Daniel Sarah Karasik —Writer

272. Bethany Joy Radford —Actor, Arts Worker, Educator

273. Shelley lin —Writer, artist, and fashion worker

274. Sage Wright —Producer

275. Michaela Lorusso —Technician, Audience Services Representative

276. Aaheli Mukherjee —Freelance Production Manager

277. Raeff Fontaine —Theatre Artist

278. Karyn Houston —Artist

279. Ming Wong —Costume designer

280. Kelvin Mendie —Artist

281. Kim Creller —Technical production, Lighting Designer

282. Mina James —Performer &Writer

283. Julie Phan 潘家雯 —PNSNV

284. Keith Perez Boniol —Performer, Playwright

285. Rhiannon Corrigan —Artist

286. Lindsey Schneider —Playwright, Producer (Blue Jaye Productions), Arts Administrator

287. Jess Beauvais —Playwright, multi-disciplinary artist

288. Howard Dai —Actor, theatre maker, associate artist @ rice & beans theatre

289. Katelyn Morishita —Artistic Associate & Artist

290. Nancy Yuen —Stage Manager

291. Benjamin Kersey —Theatre Musician and Writer

292. Aysha Dulong —sound artist and arts administrator

293. Cindy Kao —Actor / Sound Artist / Musician

294. Murdoch Schon —Director

295. Andy Kalirai —Actor

296. Torien C. Cafferata —Artistic Director, It’s Not A Box Theatre

297. Carlyn Rahusaar Routledge —Costume/Set Designer, Builder, and Manager

298. Echo Zhou — Designer, Scenographer

299. Senjuti Sarker —Artist/Arts/Stage/Production Manager

300. Louna Fezoui —Theatre Artist, artistic associate Teesri Duniya Theatre

302. Katie Clarke — Theatre Artist

303. Michael Zarathus-Cook —Arts Worker

304. JB Nelles —Set & Costume Designer, Scenic Artist, Sewist, Prop Maker

305. Gillian Clark —Playwright

306. Kaileigh Krysztofiak —Lighting Designer (ADC, IATSE 659)

307. Rimah Jabr —Theatremaker

308. Rhys Whitham —Actor, Performer, Arts Administrator

309. Amelia Scott —Projection Designer

310. Amariah Faulkner —Actor, Theatre Artist

311. Galen Hite —Technician and Stage Manager

312. Kathleen Dorian —Actor, director, arts worker

313. Julia Howman —Production and Facilities Manager (Native Earth Performing Arts) and Freelance Designer

314. Gus Lederman —Writer, Performer

315. Kate Lushington —Theatre Worker

316. Breanne Ritchie —Arts Administrator

317. Reva Lokhande —Producer, Stage Manager and Production Coordinator

318. Smokii Sumac —Playwright, National Queer and Trans Playwriting Unit

320. m.p. monoceros —artist, arts worker

321. Hannah Kirby —Technical director

322. Evyn Daley —multidisciplinary musical theatre artist

323. Benjamin Thomas —Theatre Artist

324. Oliver Gullikson —Scenography student, Designer

325. Harriet Kim— Community Arts Administrator

326. Teo Groen —Free lance multidisciplinary theatre artist

327. Sable Billings-Boltz —Student, Actor, Performance artist

328. Brittany Sadler — Film Production

329. Ntara Curry —Theatre artist, CAEA, IATSE

330. Emilee Nimetz —Actor/Writer/Director/Producer

331. Tamyka Bullen —Artist

332. Nicole Eun-Ju Bell —Theatre Artist and Arts Worker

333. Erica Petty —Artistic Producer, Story Theatre

334. Melanie Lowe —Arts Administrator, Freelance Designer

335. Stephen Jackman-Torkoff —Performer, Theatre Maker

336. Maddy Quinn —Producer, Arts Administrator

337. Madeleine Humeny —Multidisciplinary artist, performer, and comedian, CAEA

338. Kodie Rollan —Artistic Director of Chromatic Theatre, Playwright & Dramaturg

339. Kyrah Harder —Actor and Writer

340. K Hall —Theatre artist, technician, actor

341. Evander Jack Dewar — Actor & Theatre Creator

342. Neil James — Actor, Artist

343. Marlee Griffiths — Theatre Artist

344. Jilly Hanson — Actor

345. Gabi Stachniak— Student, Performer, Actor

346. Anais West — Playwright, Actor, and Producer

347.  Roula Said —Performing Artist and writer

348. Aislinn Rose — Artistic Director, The Theatre Centre

349. Kira Chisholm — Actor, theatre maker, artsworker 

350. Ben Wood — Arts Worker, Performer, Audio Tech

351. Kenzie Tsang — Actor, Artist

352.Helen Ho — Playwright

353. Nora Vision — Playwright, performer, drag queen

354. angelica schwartz — director

355. steph raposo — Designer, Technical Director

356. Melanie Ellen Leon — Artist/ Actor/ Writer

357. Mackenzie Wojcik — Actor

358. Shinyoung Park — Artist

359. Anna Morreale — Actor and Artist

360. Jessica Rose — Actor and Theatre Creator

361. Jordan Both — IATSE 118

362. Cyrus Lane — Actor

363. Michael Kras — Playwright, Director, Magic Designer

364. sherine menes — Artist and Performer

365. Joanna Garfinkel — Dramaturg/director (PTC + Freelance)

366. Anthony Botelho — Performer, Writer, Producer

367. Sepehr Reybod — Actor, Director, Playwright

368. Riel Reddick-Stevens — Multidisciplinary artist

369. Jess De Vitt — Artist

370. Alexa Higgins — Actor, Playwright, co-Artistic Director FIT

371. Kaylah Zander-Nuñez — Performer

372. Julia wang — Performer

373. Dev Helm — Stage manager, Arts worker

374. Lili Robinson — Playwright, Theatre Artist

375. Leslie Supnet — artist, arts worker

376. Lou Campbell — Co-artistic director of Probably Theatre Collective, performer, writer, director, producer

377. Charity Adzie — actor – teacher

378. Heeyun Park 박희윤 — Actor

379. Andrea Joy Rideout — General Manager, Upintheair Theatre

380. Otoshy Rahman — Actor, costume designer

381. Laura Spencer — Actor/Artist

382. Michelle Urbano — Artistic Director, Crossroads Theatre

383. Taran Bamrah — Actor & Educator

384. Abir Abouelsaadat — Arts administrator

385. Santiago Guzmán — Artistic Director & Theatre Artist

386. Sarah J Culkin — Director, cultural worker

387. Lisbet Maclean — Director, Producer— Yikes Co.

388. Sydney Hayduk — Performer, Writer, Stage Manager

389. Lara Lewis — Artistic Associate, Playwrights Atlantic Resource Centre

390. Andrea Handal Rivera — Stage Manager, Theatre Artist

391. Katherine Teed-Arthur — Tallulah’s Event Coordinator, Buddies In Bad Times

392. Sepidar Yeganeh Farid — Performer 

393. Sabrina Alidina — Artist 

394. Dan Mousseau  — Actor

395. Jackson Nair — Theatremaker and Arts Educator

396. Rochelle Ellar — Theatre Artist, Performer, Playwright, Director, Facilitator, Artistic Programming Coordinator at Wildseed Centre for Art & Activism

397. May Nemat Allah — Stage Manager

398. Brefny Caribou — Artist 

399. Andrea Massoud — Actor, Artist Educator 

400. Sam Jeffery — Actor, Fight Director, Intimacy Director

401. Wesley Magee-Saxton  — Actor, Writer

402. Seeara Lindsay — Actor

403. Eloise Fan — Stage Manager, Technician, Theatre Artist

404. Jasmine Rajaballey — UW Student, theatremaker

405. Jacqueline (Jack) Meldrum — Theatrical Technician

406. Karter Masuhara — Writer, Producer, Director 

407. Emmanuelle So — Stage Manager

408. Jessa Richer — Artist 

409. Geoff McBride — Performer, Writer, and Director

410. Kat Welsh — Performer, producer, theatre creative 

411. Robert Harding — CAEA Stage Manager

412. Chelsea Dickie — Managing Director – Matchstick Theatre, Stage Manager

413. Matt Wiebe — Artist

414. Jenn Sartor — Producer, Theatre Passe Muraille

415. Angelo Feliciano — Performer, Writer, Producer

416. Cullen McGrail — Playwright, Fresh Meat Fest Producer

417. Madyson Richard — Performer

418. Robyn Grant-Moran — Theatre Writer

419. cole lewis — artist

420. Rahul Varma — Playwright

421. Emma Alderman — Production Manager

422. Echo Zhou — Designer, Scenographer

423. Stephanie Wong — Theatre Artist, Performer, Director, Producer

424. Daisy Mengru Jia — Arts Admin, Producer, Director

425. Victor Zhang — Playwright, Community Liaison: Limbus Work Collective

426. Sehar Bhojani — Actor & Producer

427. Crystal Lee — Production Manager

428. Kevin Matthew Wong — Creator, Artist and Producer

429. Eric Cinnsealach — Actor & Musician

430. Jo Burdon — Performer

431. Seraph-Eden Boroditsky — Artist, Cultural Consultant, Arts Administrator

432. Jimmy JinPyo Hong — Performer, Director, Creator

433. Alyssa Formosa — Independent Artist

434. Ethan Stark — Playwright

435. Diana Martinez-Barrera — Freelancer

436. Lovissa Wiens — Light + Projection Designer

437. Dasha Z. Milligan — Dancer, Producer

438. Julia Raftery — Stage Manager, Theatre Technician

439. Burcu Emeç — Theatre Creator, Intimacy Director

440. Cedric Martin — Artistic Director, Theatre of the Beat

441. Navid Amini — The Theatre Centre – Director of Facilities and Production

442. Tyra Ashauntie — Playwright, Actor

443. Autumn Chandler — Independent Artist

444. Darnie Tran — multidisciplinary artist/theatre creator

445. Natalie Skov — Creator & Administrator

446. Maria Zarrillo — Producer, Stage Manager

447. Eli Holiday — Performing Artist

448. Camille NG — Photographer

449. Emlyn vanBruinswaardt — Freelance / CAEA stage Manager

450. Nika Jalali — Creator, Artist and Producer

451. Farnoosh Telebpour — CAEA Stage Manager

452. Makambe K. Simamba — Playwright, Actor

453. Jennifer Park — Writer

454. Michelle Yagi — Producer

455. Carly Rackal — Actor

456. Sophie Smith-Dostmohamed — Performing Artist

457. Louisa Adamson — Artist, Production Manager, Stage Manager, Managing Director- 2b theatre company

458. Olivia Rankin — Stage Manager and Arts Administrator

459. Laura Warren — Projection Designer

460. Aladeen Tawfeek — Actor / Writer / Director

461. Taylor Zalik-Young — Stage & Production Manager

462. Erin Kang — Independent Artist

463. Stephanie Duran — Development and Outreach, Green Thumb Theatre

464. Kerri Lee — Arts Educator, Arts Administrator

465. Geoff Doner — Artist, Composer, Co-Creator & Admin ArtHouseTO

466. Alyssa Codling

467. Victoria deJong — Arts Administrator