☛ Project update: imagining a new arts world research

Our collective’s official first project: we are conducting interviews to collect lived experiences. What is it that our peers really “need”? What realities are they facing?  If this phase of our research is successful, our next steps will be to engage with artist/artsworkers to “build” this new imagined world.

Phase 1

We interviewed artist/artsworkers across Canada in various disciplines to participate in a designed workshop to imagine their ideal artsworld vs the reality they work in.

Phase 2

We reached out to individuals who can tap into their own communities to facilitate a focused imagination exercise — on discussing sections of their artsworld.

What is the ideal way to celebrate achievements? What would be an alternative method for funding? What do multilingual artists need access to in order to grow their craft? 

We’re still compiling our data. We’d like to thanks the Ontario Arts Council and the Canada Council for the Arts for funding the research & development phase of this project.