About us
Labour in the Arts is an artsworker collective that attempts to observe and demystify the Canadian arts industry through experimentation and with creative projects.
We want to empower our community by creating pathways to knowledge, so that anyone can critically navigate the industry — and challenge the conditioned notion that institutionalized education is a prerequisite to succeed in the arts.
We want to shift industry discussions around cultural policy and institutional practices from the boardroom to the workroom.
Our collective was created in 2020, and is currently grassroots and volunteer run. Our work is evolving and in very slow progress. This website is one of the first projects in our strategic vision.
We have not written this strategic vision yet.
our collective
This is the team who are working on this website, whenever we have time. We invite labour on a needs and case-by-case basis. If you are interesting in working with us in any capacity, you can reach all of us at admin@labourinthearts.com
Connect with us
You can reach all of us at admin@labourinthearts.com or follow us on Instagram @labourinthearts